Optimizing the Practice of Mentoring

Activity 2

Now that you’ve explored the career-enhancing side of mentoring, let’s look at some of the psychosocial roles a mentor can play.

To get started, complete the brief survey below then click Submit. Afterward, you’ll be able to compare your answers to those of others who have already completed this course. All responses are anonymous.

  Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUncertainAgreeStrongly Agree
Modeling positive professional behaviors, attitudes, and values comes naturally to me.
Discussing ethics in research is one of the roles of a mentor.
Junior investigators become socialized to their environment regardless of their mentor’s efforts.
I invest less time and effort in mentees whose career goals are different from mine.
Providing constructive criticism and celebrating successes are strengths of mine.
Understanding the cultural background of my mentee is important to our relationship.